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Divi Panels: Nature | Cot
Paint: Satin White
Screens: Frosted Glass
Laminate: Landmark
PET Slings: Medium Grey
Upholstery: Mayer Channel | Coral
PET Wire Manager: Vibrant Blue
Gallery Panel Laminate: True White
Storage and Worksurface Laminate: White Chocolate
Panel Fabric: New England Lexington
Seat Upholstery: Stamper Blue Jay
Laminate: Neo Walnut and Linen
Panels: Spinel | Alabaster and Petoskey
Trim: Chalk
Ped Cushion: DesignTex Pennant | Meadow
Laminate: Neo Walnut and Linen
Panels: Spinel | Alabaster and Petoskey
Trim: Chalk
Ped Cushion: DesignTex Pennant | Meadow
Shown with 58" H x 72" W panel.
Laminate: Neo Walnut and Linen
Panels: Spinel | Alabaster and Petoskey
Trim: Chalk
Ped Cushion: DesignTex Pennant | Meadow
Divi Linear Trim Finishes:
Worksurfaces - Looks Likatre Panels - More engage Denim Frosted Glass Trim - Metallic Silver Base - Grey Value 1 Upper Storage - Looks Likatre Laminate Lower Storage - Looks Likatre and Satin White Case Modesty Panel - Looks Likeatre - Satin White Devens - Grey Mesh with Stinson Charlotte | Lapis Volker Cubes - Camira Blazer Hull
Divi Linear Trim Finishes:
Laminate- Looks Likatre
Panels - Engage | Denim & Frosted Glass
Trim - Metallic Silver
Base - Grey Value 1
Leg - Satin White
Devens - Grey Mesh, Stinson Charlotte | Lapis upholstery
Volker Cubes - Camira Blazer | Hull
PET shown in Medium Grey
Divi Linear Trim Finishes:
Worksurfaces - Aimtoo Savatre with Satin White A-Legs, Panels - More Simplicity Blue Smooth, Trim - Satin White, Upper Storage- Satin White, Pedestal - Satin White, Natick - Grey Mesh Back with Camira Honeycomb Honey Seat
Divi Linear Trim Finishes:
Worksurfaces- Aimtoo Svatre, Panels- Simplicity Blue Smooth, Frosted Glass, Trim- Metallic Silver, Base - Grey Value 1, Lower Storage - Aimtoo Savatre with Satin White Case, Pedestal Cushion - Mayer Fabric Fedora Indigo, Legs- LightSilver Smooth, Devens- Grey Mesh with Designtex Phenomena Mineral
Divi Linear Finishes:
Worksurfaces - Leave Likatre, Upper Storage - Leave Likeatre and Stain White, Support A-Legs - Satin White, Spine Panels- Mayer Fedora Dew, Return Panels- Mayer Fedora Indigo and Clear Glass Insert, Trim - Satin White, Pedestal - Leave Likeatre with Satin White Case, Ped Cushion - Camira Blazer, Upton Seating - Striped Black/Black Mesh with Mayer Metal Strips Springtime.
Divi with Linear Trim Finishes:
Worksurfaces - Aimtoo Savatre Panel - Mirador Storm and Lake Blue, Trim - Satin White Storage - Aimtoo Savatre and True White Devens - Grey Mesh Back with Designtex Carrick Parakeet Volker Cube - Camira Blazer Ulster
Worksurface: White Chocolate Panel
Fabric: Cape Cod Chatham
Workstation Paint & Base: Satin White
E Series Height Adjustable Table - Metallic Silver
Pedestals: Satin White with Mirador | Lake Blue
Seating: Devens Express – Black/Black
Worksurfaces: True White
HAT table bases: Satin White
Divi Panel Fabric: Simplicity | Chamoise and Stone
Divi Trim: Medium Tone
Upper and Lower Storage: Satin White
Seating: Bolton Express
HAT Worksurface: True White
HAT Leg: Satin White
Worksurface: Looks Likatre
Worksurface Support: Satin White
Panel Trim: GV1 – Grey Value 1
Panel Return Fabric: Engage|Rain Cloud
Panel Spine Fabric: Open House|Quarry Blue
Glass: Breman Aqui
Calibrate Storage
Case: True White
Front: Looks Likatre
L Series Storage
Trim: Satin White
Upton Task with Lumbar
Seat: LesliJee|Vida|Ablaze
Mesh: Striped Mesh|Red-Black
Trim: Black
HAT Worksurface: True White
HAT Legs: Satin White
Worksurface: Looks Likatre
Worksurface Support: Satin White
Panel Trim: GV1 – Grey Value 1
Panel Return Fabric: Engage|Rain Cloud
Panel Spine Fabric: Open House|Quarry Blue
Glass: Breman Aqui
Calibrate Storage
Case: True White
Front: Looks Likatre
NeoCon 2021 Display
Neo Walnut Laminate
Revere Seating
NeoCon 2021 display
Neo Walnut Laminate
Essex Seating
Divi 50”H x 72”W panels on spine
Gallery Panel Extensions (72”W on each side) - Neo Walnut Laminate (vertical grain
O Leg support (Black)
Calibrate BBF Lateral & Single Door Tower with Black Painted Pulls
Natick Seating
Ashley Duo Power
Availability of finishes and materials shown may vary due to manufacturers' lifecycle management. Please check with AIS to confirm availability.