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Matrix Panel System in the Chicago Showroom at NeoCon 19
Panel Systems
Open Plan
Neocon, Showrooms
Small: Ideal for Email - File is 600 x 395 (176KB).
Medium: Ideal for Web - File is 1000 x 659 (484KB).
Large: Ideal for Print - File is 3000 x 1977 (4.2MB).
Laminate: Landmark
Vertical Surface Fabric: Spinel Perlite
Natick upholstery: Frock | Bindle
Cushion upholstery: Legacy | Imperial
Calibrate Storage: Aimtoo Savatre
Matrix Trim: Satin White
Glass: Frosted
Matrix Tiles: AIS Engage – Cape Cod Chatham
Bolton Seating: Momentum Crossing – Alabaster.
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